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Barbara R Thomas 2/28/18

When somebody calls me mother or mom I take that seriously. It means I’m accountable & responsible to that person. It means relationship is established! We have communication with each other. We interact! I can’t nurture what I have neither had contact with. I know who is called to my nest to be fed nourish and properly cared for. They are the ones that are respectful accountable humble & obedient. I don’t have to look for them or track them down. My relationship with them is solid and true because we commune regularly with each other even if it’s just to say hello! These are persons that are in pursuit of the knowledge wisdom & experience that I have been given by YAH to help them grow improve & develop into the vessel He has chosen them to be. These are the ones that won’t run when rebuke corrected or disciplined but they remain loyal & faithful because they know that the correction is for their good. They don’t just look for me to give them smooth words but they are asking for proper training and teaching so that when they go forth they will be well equipped ready & able to overcome the enemy & complete their assignment.

With that being said there are persons going around saying I’m their covering or spiritual mother please check with me before you take their word. People are using the names of persons to get connections doors and money out of people. Do not I repeat do not give anybody any money open up doors for them to come preach etc just because they say somebody name. Often these leaders don’t know the person or they were once connected and sometimes they had to disconnect because the person operated in questionable behavior. I have persons that have used names of reputable preachers to swindle people out of money or to get in their ministries and do all manner of evil. I always tell people don’t accept people because they connected to somebody else sometimes that person is a assignment to that leader to help get the person delivered. I for one have persons that are highly gifted but their character & behavior is ungodly and YAH is using me to build them up in those areas.

People right now there is a lot of fraud identity thief and illegal activities going on and they are targeting leaders and ministries. They are using so many methods to discredit your name to distort your identity to ruin your character through these illegal activities. As much as I have posted about I have no Instagram account I don’t solicit for money I don’t endorse governmental funding because of the rules & regulations attached to their money people yet are giving them money and following them on these social media sites. First if you know me you know there are certain things I definitely won’t do or say. If you follow me you know I teach that you need to create income not wait for a handout. I teach economic security through business growth or job opportunities but I don’t teach waiting on people to sow seeds or begging for money. I’m hard on leaders because we are to be an example. One thing I do is teach that we all have the ability to work and build a business because YAH has given us power to get wealth. Just be careful take more security precaution when it comes to your identity name & character and by all means report anything suspicious to the proper authorities. I always say if you don’t want to be treated like a criminal then don’t act like one. The funny thing is when they caught the first thing they say is you suppose to be a Christian and should forgive after they have wiped out your money destroyed your life and cause you hardship and my words to them is I am saved by His grace and a child of YAH but you on the other hand are a liar and a thief and of the world system so I’m going to let your system judge you and then hand them over to the authorities of the world and pray that they see the error of their ways & turn from their wickedness!

Sometimes people think being a Christian means you stupid dumb and crazy! Wrong concept! Even in the church we live by a code of holiness & righteousness and have a system to judge those that get out of order. We excommunicate warn the Body of unruly men we reveal the false prophets & apostles we correct teaching errors and more. We do have our way established on how to deal with those persons sowing discord or acting ungodly. So don’t think that we as the Body of Christ don’t deal with our wrongs we do even though we have more that compromise than do right there is a remnant that yet do it YAH’s way! 

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