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Don't settle for less than what God intends by Caleb Juarez

We live in a christian culture of tradition where we succumbed to a proclamation that undersells a core message of our Christian faith.

The Gospel we know today, has been my main concern, It has been undermined today sadly. I have felt a victim of tradition, but I have always believe there must be more. I had an experience and God touched me, it was beautiful and awesome and I felt like a new person. I didn't feel like I could connect with people in my midst because life in the spirit was more of a real reality I was most aware of. I knew I had to do things differently even though I was alone, God was with me. We have the chance of a life time to walk in the supernatural the way God intended us to live. I no longer live like a victim of the traditions of men but now in the spirit through the shed blood of Jesus where I have access to have a relationship with the lord from this life to the next.

But you have a choice today. You can override tradition and allow the spirit of God to guide you to unpack the Gospel of the kingdom that fulfills your potential that is the highest destiny and purpose in God that outlives the religious path that you are not destined to be confined with. God has a path for you that does not rob your experience with the living God and this experience changes your world upside down.
I just never can agree that you can receive a form of a salvation that does not include a spiritual experience with the living God... It is a culture of religion today rather than the kingdom culture of heaven. The gospel we know today is often presented as form of salvation plan that places our hopes on escaping this evil world to enjoy and partake the "salvation plan" that is reserved according to our earthly decision to believe of what Jesus bought and paid for. It is a Gospel that invites you to live a lifestyle of going through the motions on standby while we remain on this earth until we experience the fruit of our decisions that Jesus lays a hold for humanity in the afterlife. 

I have news for you, the fruit of our decision can be experienced in the now! We need to reconsider the revelation of how powerful the blood of Jesus is for every believer.

Don't settle for the path of the traditional Gospel that keeps you from living the life of the kingdom of God on this earth where we can walk out the deeper things of God that is available to every believer of a life transforming walk that can be a very intimate experience to connect with Jesus that even our lives display to the world of God abiding with us.

Don't be that Christian to pass on to the next life and surprisingly discover for yourself of how real it could have had been to engage God on earth, not only that but the revelation of the access that you were allowed to have in the authority that was given by the death, burial, resurrection and ascension that Jesus Christ bought and paid for!.... I wish to voice out in my generation because people in the world can come across the Gospel presented to them that forces them in a corner to choose to have eternal life or burn in hell ... It is a proclamation that keeps our generation dead inside because the real nature of the message is life transforming and the Holy Spirit is doing his job to convict the world and to change atmospheres through us as Gods vessel and we become the channel of the kingdom of God released to our lost dying world...

The bible says in Psalm 34:8

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

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